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WNMU-FM Political Underwriting Policy


1401 Presque Isle Avenue

Marquette, MI 49855-5308

Political Underwriting Policy

Adopted: 6/13/2012 – Revised 6/27/2014

WNMU-TV/FM is a noncommercial educational station licensed to the Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees.   It is the station’s policy not to grant any requests for broadcast time by or on behalf of candidates for federal, state, or local public office.  In other words, the station does not sell time to political candidates and does not provide any free time for use by or on behalf of candidates.

General Political Message Underwriting Requirements:

  • WNMU retains the right to accept, reject, or edit any or all underwriting messages.
  • All underwriting is subject to spot availability.
  • No anonymous messages shall be allowed. Messages must indicate the name of the person(s) or entity paying for the message.
  • Messages shall not contain a “call to action,” and all standard underwriting policies apply.
  • All underwriting messages shall be produced by WNMU, in standard underwriting format.
    No “pre-produced” or client supplied messages will be allowed.
  • All political underwriting must be paid in full prior to any spots airing.
  • No political underwriting messages shall run on an election day.
  • Political underwriting messages shall not contain any candidate pictures, likeness or voice.
  • Political underwriting messages may only be used to identify the candidate, the office which he or she seeks and general messages related to support.

Candidate Underwriting Messages

In addition to the general political underwriting requirements, candidate messages must follow the template and conditions outlined below:

  • Only individuals and “committees to elect” shall be eligible for underwriting messages identifying a political candidate.

The following templates shall be used for all Candidate Underwriting Messages:

“Station support provided by (donor’s name)of (donor’s city), candidate for (office sought).


“Station support provided by (donor’s name) of (donor’s city) in recognition of candidate for (office sought),  (candidate’s name).”


“Station support provided by the committee to elect (name of candidate) in recognition of candidate for (office sought), (candidate’s name). Paid for by the committee to elect (name of candidate), (name), treasurer.”

Example: “Station support provided by JANE DOE of ANYTOWN in recognition of ANYTOWN SCHOOL BOARD candidate, JOHN SMITH.”

WNMU Political Underwriting Policy

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Ballot Issues Underwriting Messages

In addition to the general political underwriting requirements, ballot issue messages must follow the template and conditions outlined below:

  • Ballot issues cannot be explicitly identified.

The following template shall be used for all ballot initiative underwriting messages:

 “Station support is provided by (donor’s name) of (donor’s city) in support of (general ballot issue beneficiary.”

Example: “Station support provided by JOHN SMITH of ANYTOWN, in support of the ANYTOWN SENIOR CENTER.”

Election Day Reminder Underwriting Messages

In addition to the general political underwriting requirements, Election Day reminder messages must follow the template and conditions outlined below:

  • Language “encouraging” voting will not be allowed.

The following template shall be used for all Election Day Reminder underwriting messages:

“Station support provided by DONOR NAME of TOWN, reminding listeners that DATE is election day.”

Example: “Station support provided by JANE DOE of ANYTOWN, reminding listeners that NOVEMBER 6 is election day.”

Hans Ahlström is the host of several programs including the daily musical variety show Weekday, the mostly straight ahead jazz show Night Studio, the self explanatory Blues Today, and the eclectic Sound Spectrum. You can also hear Hans as the local host of NPR's All Things Considered news magazine. He also helps manage Public Radio 90's web content, interviews local and visiting writers and artists, works with NMU student interns, and writes the occasional news story.