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Officials prepare to relocate wolves to Isle Royale park


TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — Officials are preparing to relocate six to eight mainland wolves to Isle Royale National Park, a first step toward rebuilding a depleted population of the predators that help keep the Lake Superior island's ecology in balance.
    Superintendent Phyllis Green says federal, state and tribal specialists plan to trap the gray wolves in the U.P. and the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reservation in Minnesota over the next six weeks.
    The animals will be given a health exam, fitted with tracking collars and flown to the park.
    Wolves have wandered Isle Royale since the late 1940s, helping keep the wilderness archipelago's moose population under control. But their numbers have recently plummeted: only two remain.
    Officials plan to take 20 to 30 wolves to the park in the next three years.

Hans Ahlström is the host of several programs including the daily musical variety show Weekday, the mostly straight ahead jazz show Night Studio, the self explanatory Blues Today, and the eclectic Sound Spectrum. You can also hear Hans as the local host of NPR's All Things Considered news magazine. He also helps manage Public Radio 90's web content, interviews local and visiting writers and artists, works with NMU student interns, and writes the occasional news story.